I just returned home with a cheesy double beef burrito after going to Dance Guild in GR and visiting with some great college friends. I do miss DG and seeing my friends every day; however, being a spectator and visitor just felt right. I guess it was a lot easier to move on than I thought it would be. I tried to prepare myself so that all of my lasts were good lasts. It worked. While I will always have a few regrets (I always do...I'm a perfectionist...that's just who I am), I wouldn't change much. The fun times outweighed the challenging and difficult. I've learned, have grown up, and have moved forward. So, while watching DG made me want to get up and bust some moves, I acknowledged that it was someone else's turn to be on that stage. I take pride in the little part that I might have played in making DG what it is for them.
Lately I've missed blogging a lot. I had a xanga a couple of years ago, but gave it up (can't remember why). Anyway, reading the thoughts and ramblings of friends has reminded me of what I gave up. It doesn't matter if i'm heard. All that matters is that I speak. So, read if you want.